Thanks for your appreciation of my post! Helping folks get to know some of our great edible plants is one of my main reasons for being on Steemit and YouTube. I'm hoping to have some good conversations with people on Steemit about foraging and using wild plants. Is there a particular plant you are interested in?
I think the best identification videos I have on YouTube right now are for the wild field mustard, elderberry shrubs, and spruce trees. But I show a lot of other wild food plants in my other videos, too, from the tiny bittercress to the giant Deodar cedar tree! I also show how I identify a meadow mushroom, too, and decide whether to eat it or not.
One idea for future posts if if you link the youtube videos and give some background or additional info in the post. You could do them each one at a time, and wind up with a couple great posts.
Thanks for that tip, @papa-pepper. I'm trying to get the hang of things here, for sure, and I appreciate any and all helpful hints. I'm hoping to use my Steemit posts as a way to help me develop some of my future videos, too.
Your doing a great job so far!
Very impressed with this post as it has a LOT of information. Be sure to follow @pappa-pepper he is without a doubt an up and coming Steemit Star!
There is always more to learn and ways to improve. With practice and tuning into people doing great things you are sure to get more and more successful every day!
Thanks, @quinneaker! There's more than a lifetime of learning about plants, that's for sure!
I've followed @papa-pepper from the start -- I noticed him when I was looking at Steemit from the outside. His posts were key for me to sign up for Steemit. There was so much good discussion and enthusiasm for wild foods and gardening, and connecting with the outdoors.
Not any particular plant, I would like to see something like how many wild edibles you can find in your neighborhood. That would be really interesting to see how much free food we are overlooking!
Thanks for that great idea! Hoo-boy, that would be quite a list -- just for my yard! Of course, they aren't all edible at the same time. That's part of what makes eating wild plants so special -- I have to pay attention and adjust to the plants' schedules. And some of the plants take some special effort to prepare, but others I can just eat without doing much to them at all. Some are great as real food, to eat in quantity. Others are more like a spice or best as a tea to drink. I guess I better start a list! Thanks! : )
Yay can't wait to learn more!