Another idea to cook vegetable stew, corn! Corn can be cooked into so many kind of food and you can boil, steam, grill, grate even make desert. I cook what kids like and today cooking corn into a vegetable stew.
- Corn
- Potato
- Carrot
- Cabbage
- Keffir leaf
- Tomato
- Spring Union
- Celery
- Salt
- Shallot
- Garlic
- Shallot crisp
- Boil water then add corn.
- Add in potato, carrot, shallot, garlic and keffir leaf.
- Add in cabage, spring union and celery.
- Add in salt.
- Sprinkle shallot crisp and serve.
- Jagung
- Kentang
- Wortel
- Kubis
- Daun keffir
- Tomat
- Spring Union
- Seledri
- Garam
- Bawang Merah
- Bawang putih
- Bawang merah garing
- Rebus air dan masukkanjagung.
- Tambahkan kentang, wortel, bawang merah, bawang putih dan daun jeruk.
- Tambahkan kubis, spring union dan seledri.
- Tambahkan garam.
- Taburkan bawang goreng dan sajikan.
Always post my own works. Thank you for stopping by. I do appreciate your UPVOTE and RESTEEM if you like.
Sedap sekali sepertinya :) @jumaidafajar
Trims @ciruls. :)
Sehat sekali ini makanannya 😋
Trims @nisarunnisah88 :)
Salt is necessary, the rest is to taste :)
I'll let you have it. :)
delicious...... i love corn , looks yummy. thanks for it.
I do appreciate it. Thank you @fatema. :)
you are welcome........
i'v posted my very first blog.......plz check