Chicken Feet Adobo

in #food5 years ago (edited)

I know many people who will find eating chicken feet weird. Even here in the Philippines where Chicken feet or as my folks like to call it Adidas (because of the three long claws) is commonly served, there still are some who'd rather ignore this food.


I on the other hand love this dish so much. I used to crave for it a lot more when I was still pregnant. So when my husband's uncle brought this at our family reunion, I made a mental note to make sure I prepare this dish one of these days.

And today's the day. I interviewed Chad's uncle to see if there are any secret ingredients for tasty chicken feet adobo. Here's what I found out.



1kg chicken feet (make sure to remove the outer skin and the nails)
1 cup soy sauce
1 cup vinegar
2 tbsp muscovado sugar
1/2 cup water
Salt & pepper


It turns out there really isn't any secret at all.

  1. All you have to do is to sautee the onion then add in garlic.
  2. Add in the chicken feet and mix thoroughly. The one I bought at the market has already been cleaned and skinned. But if it hasn't been cleaned, you'll need to boil water in a casserole, then put the chicken feet in it. This is so the outer skin will soften. This will make it easier to pull away.
  3. Once you have covered all the surfaces of the chicken skin in the sauteed onion and garlic, add in soy sauce and vinegar. Let simmer.
  4. Add water and sugar. Lower the fire on your stove. You'd like to slowly cook the feet until the cartillages are so soft they'll come off the bones easily.
  5. You may serve it as it is or you may add some chillis or chilli powder.

How to Eat The Adidas

One reason or maybe the reason not everyone is a fan of eating chicken feet is that it's too messy to eat. Worry no more. Here are some tips.

  1. Ditch the spoon and fork. Those won't be helpful.
  2. You may eat one chicken claw at a time. Or you may put all three claws in your mouth then pull.
  3. Let your tongue and teeth sort the cartillage from the tiny bones. This is tricky. Spit the bones out on a separate plate or on a tissue.
  4. Just enjoy and have fun. You may have a little contest to see who could finish one chicken feet the fastest.
  5. This is best served with rice. Or with beer. Or both. Totally up to you.

Eat well, everybody! :-)


I never had Chicken Feet and I don't think you can buy them in Germany. But there are things we eat here that the rest of the world finds strange ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

I guess every country has their own strange but surprisingly delicious delicacies.

I love chicken feet but I don't consider myself adventurous when it comes to tasting new food especially those that look strange. LOL

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Nagutom ako dito Nay. 🤤 Namiss ko po mga post niyo dito. Naging demanding ang buhay eh. Subukan ko ulit tapusin mga sinulat ko. 😊

Naku. Pinaka aabang-abangan ko yung Nalandangan. Di bale, makaka-habol ka rin sa oras. Basta kalma ka lang. Kain tau. :-)