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RE: Pork Bone Soup DongBei Style. Plastic Glove Included.

in #food6 years ago

haha, yea, It's kind of weird for me too. I never got plastic gloves eating anything anywhere in Canada we just use our hands.

In China it's considered dirty to eat with your fingers. There are many cultural things here I find contradict each other at times especially when it comes to food health and safety. Pizza Hut here will also serve you with plastic gloves, as all pizza shops do here. Some smaller restaurants won't have a bathroom or a sink for guests to wash their hands in, we have to go to another location which can be a pain so gloves come in handy if you can't wash first.... or after.

Chicken wings are quite popular here and they eat them with chopsticks. I'm pretty good with chopsticks but eating wings like that truly makes every bite rewarding. lol

They have this recipe here called Cola Chicken Wings. And they stir fry the wings with Coke a cola. It's really delicious and tastes nothing like coke but it is sweet and salty and sticky.