4 Food You Should Try, If Your Visiting Philippines (Exotic Food)

in #food8 years ago

 Here are my 4 Filipino Exotic Foods you should try eating first. These are my favorites Pinoy exotic  Foods. If you haven't tasted any exotic foods yet these are some nice food to start with.

1.  BALUT. Its a duck embryo that is boiled and eaten in the shell. Its also believed to be an aphrodisiac and considered a high-protein, hearty snack. Here's a tip on how to savor the taste of balut. First, hold up the egg with the wider part on the bottom. Crack the tip and make just a small hole then put a pinch of salt in it and take a sip and savor the taste of the broth. after you sipped all the juice. slowly widen the crack, add pinch of salt and slowly bit on the egg yolk to savor it each time , you must eat it with passion to enjoy the sweet and unique taste of balut. You can also add a vinegar with a hot chili peppers for those who like spicy foods. You can buy balut on the vendor roaming on the streets holding a basket shouting "BALLLUUUTTT' . 

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