That age old problem of wondering what you are going to do with those two extra hot dogs in pack that you have no bun for has finally been solved. The glass ceiling has finally been broken. Most probably assumed it was set up that way by bun makers to sell more buns. That was explained away as the baking trays used bake four buns at a time. I am no Einstein here but who couldn't figure out you'd need five bun baking trays in order to make two five bun rolls per pack. I am still highly suspicious of the motivation behind it all unless it comes down to what came first, the hot dog or the bun. You know, one of those age-old questions no one ever seems to figure out. Hot dog makers have a more reasonable explanation for the quandary as ten hot dogs equates to one pound.
With National Hot Dog month forthcoming this July, Heinz and Wonder Bread have teamed up in two heads are better than one to solve the age-old dilemma. One could only imagine how many heads would be needed if this was a complex question of how to make a perfect peanut butter cup, but I digress. Just in time for your fourth of July holiday celebration you'll be able to buy ten roll packs of buns to match your ten-count pack of hot dogs. Just make sure you buy some extra fireworks to celebrate this joyous occasion. Be sure to hurry before shrink-flation sets in, that's when the whole debate flips on itself, and you are left wondering what to do with those two extra hot dog buns in a pack. Personally, I'd rather have the two extra hot dogs, the ones left on the grill that end up caramelizing to a golden crisp color, who needs a bun for a hot dog grilled to perfection. Not to mention I may not be Eistein but two packs of eight count store brand buns will still be cheaper than one pack of ten count Wonder buns. Let's see them figure that out.
Math Wizardry that is!