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RE: The Truth about Genetically Engineered (GMO) Food!!

in #food7 years ago

Such an interesting (and needed) topic. And yet, very controversial. Of which everyone has an opinion.
When I talk to people from the farming industry - they argue that GMOs are needed to continue the food supply / food distribution.
Others argue that eating organic is not economically feasible for them.
Healthwise, how much inflammation have we introduced into our diets because of GMO products?

The amount of autoimmune diseases has risen.
Many people have leaky gut and don't even know it.

In fact, one of the things that I usually tell people if they complain of pain - is that they really have to clean up their diet. avoiding gluten (wheat), dairy (hormones, etc), sugar (which is often GMO as well). Corn is often GMO as well.

And yet, I yearn for fresh corn during the summers (especially barbecued). Which is most likely GMO.

I wonder what would happen if we were able to label GMOs in our foods?

Thanks for bringing a controversial topic to the discussion table. We really do need to continue discussing this, although I don't know if there really is a "simple answer".


There is a simple answer. Ban all GMOs from the food supply and jail anyone who is trying to poison us with this garbage. Opinions are irrelevant in this matter, only facts and individual rights matter.