Savory Beef Stew Infused with Beer and Fresh Veggies

in #food8 months ago (edited)


Beef stew is a beloved classic in culinary culture, prepared in various styles across the globe. Here, we present a delightful recipe for a succulent beef stew incorporating a medley of vegetables and a splash of beer. This dish is a symphony of flavors, ideal for a hearty lunch or dinner. Follow these guidelines to craft this delectable stew.


300 g diced beef
Khmeli-suneli spice blend
Black pepper
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
Olive oil
30 g butter
2 medium-sized onions, finely chopped
300 ml light beer
1 pepper, finely diced
1 tomato, finely chopped
Carrots, celery, and parsley root (2 sticks each), finely chopped
Garlic and chili, minced
2 potatoes, cubed
1 liter vegetable broth


Commence by dicing the beef into bite-sized cubes. Season the meat with salt, paprika, Khmeli-suneli, and black pepper. Incorporate the all-purpose flour and ensure each meat piece is evenly coated with the spices and flour.




In a skillet, heat a mixture of olive oil and butter over medium heat. Sauté the diced beef until it obtains a golden brown hue on all sides, enhancing its flavor and aroma.


Introduce the finely chopped onions to the skillet, and sauté them alongside the meat for approximately 3 minutes until they turn translucent and tender.





Prepare the beer-infused sauce. Pour the light beer into the skillet with the meat and onions. Allow it to come to a boil and then simmer over medium heat for a few minutes to let the alcohol evaporate and the sauce concentrate.


Incorporate the finely diced carrots, celery, parsley root, pepper, tomato, garlic, and chili into the skillet. Simmer the amalgamation for about 10 minutes until the vegetables reach a tender consistency.

Add the cubed potatoes and vegetable broth to the skillet with the meat and vegetables. Heat the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer the stew for roughly 20 minutes until the potatoes are soft and tender.




Once the beef stew is cooked to perfection, serve it piping hot. Optionally, garnish the dish with an assortment of fresh herbs or parsley. Enjoy your delightful meal!


This beef stew, infused with beer and brimming with fresh vegetables, is a delightful and satiating dish, especially appealing to those with a penchant for meaty stews. The interplay of succulent beef, vibrant vegetables, and the rich beer-infused sauce promises a truly unique gastronomic experience. Pair this dish with your choice of side, be it creamy mashed potatoes, fluffy rice, or warm baked bread.


Creating this beef stew is a straightforward process, requiring no advanced culinary skills. The end result is bound to delight family members and dinner guests alike. Give this reimagined recipe a try and savor the delightful taste and aroma of this timeless classic!


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