
Vegetarian diets can include eggs and dairy. Vegan diets include no animal products at all.



LOL! So you go by Vegetarian Society's definition? It's not a universally accepted definition nor it's historically validated fact nor etymologically correct interpretation. It's easy to comprehend that eggs, honey & dairy are not directly produced by vegetation and hence shouldn't be labelled as vegetarian.

What doesn't grow on plants is non-veg. Trust me, all other definitions are an attempt to twist the actual meaning of a vegetarian diet.

You are describing a vegan diet. And being vegetarian and vegan are not the same thing.

Just because you think something is true doesn't make it true.

I don't know what agenda you have but all around the world vegetarians use dairy and eggs. And those that use no animal products are vegan.

Do you hate dairy and eggs for any specific reason. Surely asking meat eaters to eat less meat and fish is more productive at reducing climate change and reducing animal suffering than criticizing vegetarians like myself?

And I don't really know why you would criticize other people's diets at all.

My girlfriend eats meat and fish.

Looks like you read too much ...even beyond what words could convey! Like, I never criticized you or any other vegetarians here, nor I championed climate change cause or brought in the issue of animal suffering here. Moreover, I never expressed any hatred against egg or dairy but probably you presume too many things.

You may travel all around the world as a vegetarian while consuming dairy & egg but beware when you visit my country won't be welcomed as "vegetarian" if you want to include eggs in your diet. To put it in your style, just because some Organization or countries define "vegetarian diet" in some particular fashion, it doesn't make it true. Try to look at the word and deduct what it implies. Good luck!

I never expressed any hatred against egg or dairy



I told you that you read more than what words actually convey. Yes, there is no denying the fact that I'm anti-dairy. But that doesn't signify my hatred towards it. Grow up!

We disagree and that is ok. Have a good day