Delicious Meat and Vegetable Soup Recipe «A Perfect Comfort Food»

in #foodie8 months ago

Craving a nourishing, flavorful soup that warms you from the inside out? Explore this delightful recipe for a hearty meat and vegetable soup. Brimming with wholesome elements and aromatic nuances, this concoction is certain to gratify your palate and leave you thoroughly content. Don your apron, for it's time to whip up a culinary delight!



  1. 300 g of meat (opt for your preference, such as beef or chicken)
  2. 1 carrot
  3. 1 onion
  4. 1 parsley root
  5. 1 celery stalk
  6. 1 leek
  7. 1 pepper
  8. 200 g of tomatoes
  9. 2 potatoes
  10. 2 cloves of garlic
  11. 1 chili
  12. Fresh parsley (for garnish)
  13. Salt, to your liking
  14. Oregano, to your taste
  15. Rosemary, to your taste
  16. 1 teaspoon of sugar
  17. 2 egg yolks
  18. 100 ml of cream



Commence by preparing the meat, cutting it into petite segments, approximately totaling 300 g in weight. Heat a pan on high and sauté the meat for about 5 minutes until it attains a delightful browning.





While the meat sizzles, finely dice the carrot, onion, parsley root, and celery. These veggies will infuse the soup with a robust flavor. Once the meat is cooked, set it aside for later.



In a capacious pot, pour 1.5 liters of water and set it ablaze, bringing it to a vigorous boil. Add the diced carrot, onion, parsley root, and celery, allowing them to simmer for about 30 minutes, extracting all the flavors and crafting a sumptuous broth.



During this interval, finely dice another onion, leek, carrot, pepper, and tomatoes. These assorted veggies will bestow texture and depth upon the soup. Set them aside momentarily.



After the broth has simmered for 30 minutes, diligently remove any foam that may have surfaced, ensuring a clear and pristine soup.



Now, introduce the diced onion, leek, carrot, pepper, and tomatoes to the pot. Sprinkle in a teaspoon of sugar and allow the soup to simmer for an additional 7 minutes, harmonizing the flavors and enhancing the innate sweetness of the vegetables.



While the soup gently simmers, peel and dice the potatoes into dainty cubes. Boil them separately for about 10 minutes until they achieve a tender yet slightly firm consistency.



Finely chop the garlic cloves and chili, imbuing the soup with a delightful zest. Add a pinch of salt, oregano, and rosemary to the soup, adjusting the quantities to suit your preference. Allow it to cook for an additional 2 minutes to meld the flavors into the broth.



In a separate bowl, whisk together 2 egg yolks and 100 ml of cream until seamlessly amalgamated. This amalgamation will impart a creamy texture to the soup.



Extract 100 ml of not-hot soup from the pot and gradually blend it into the egg yolk and cream mixture, stirring continuously. This precautionary step averts the eggs from curdling when incorporated into the hot soup.



Next, reintroduce the egg yolk and cream concoction into the pot, stirring it into the soup. This infusion will slightly thicken the broth, rendering it a velvety consistency.


To conclude, finely chop some fresh parsley to garnish the soup. Introduce it to the pot and allow the soup to stand for about 15 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld and the soup to cool slightly.


Present the soup hot, accompanied by some crusty bread or your preferred side dish. The amalgamation of tender meat, flavorful vegetables, and aromatic herbs will truly elevate this dish.

Delight in the heartwarming flavors of this meat and vegetable soup. Whether you seek solace in a comforting repast on a crisp day or simply wish to revel in a bowl of delectability, this recipe beckons. Gather your ingredients, follow the steps meticulously, and relish each spoonful.


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