Dream River Liu, We can Eat HALAL Food Here


As Muslim, Sometimes I often confused about choosing a Muslim-friendly tourism destination, which also has a prayer space. However, now that feeling of confusion is gone, it turns out that there are already comfortable tourist areas and have access to Muslim-friendly public facilities, one of which is Dreamriverliu.

This is natural tourism facility is located in the Chiayi country . In this place my friends and I enjoy the cool natural atmosphere away from the noise like Taipei city. DreamRiverLiu tourist area, located on a land area of ​​30 hectares, which used to work as a health worker in Taipei City.


My friend and I was Claimed the wall

Tired of his busy work to depression, the man decided to resign and sell all of his wealth assets in Taipei city, then bought land in a large area in Chiayi. He manages his land into an outbound tourism tool, with various natural tricks that hone his dexterity. Even here you can also find a snake, yellow color that is tame and can be taken to take photos.

When our group from Taipei came to this place, we were treated to a variety of halal food menus whose ingredients were obtained from around the forest. Like fish, it is also caught from the rivers around this area. The menus served are fried eggs, stir-fried bitter melon, sauteed squid, sauteed mushrooms, sauteed spicy fish, and also salads. In this place I did a cooking demonstration, which is frying eggs that are very spicy and delicious, according to Indonesian tastes.

We are cooking by ourself

After lunch, it's time for us to pray dzuhur, we take ablution water in the bathroom above. There is a room provided for visitors who will perform congregational prayers. At that time Mr. Ma, be our slat priest. In the room there is also a prayer mat complete with a compass for indicating the direction of the Qibla. So that friends who visit don't have to worry about which direction it is facing?


After praying, we said goodbye to move to another location. The owner kindly and thanked us for our visit to Dream River Liu. Not to forget, we also took pictures as a memento. Because for almost ten years I was in Taiwan, I also visited Tainan the first time. []


Woo, jadi ngiler pengin makan, pasti enak kombinasi masakannya. Satu jam lagi buka puasa waktu WIB...like your post.

Selamat berbuka puasa Pak @hsidik
Semoga ibadah yang kita lakukan mendapat berkah dan amalan. Di Taiwan sedang masuk buka Pak

Mbak, lain kali postingnya melalui komunitas langsung yam bisa cek link ini: https://peakd.com/c/hive-120586/created

makasih :)

Haiii, Sist @anggreklestari.
Terima kasih atas informasinya, nanti saya pelajari lagi soal posting Food di Link ini😘

Selamat menjalankam ibadah puasa ya sist. Semoga berkah dan lancar hingga waktu buka