Women's football clash MVP from N. Korea blessed to accord joy to Kim Jong-un

in #football6 years ago

CHIBA, Japan, Dec. 15 (Yonhap) -- North Korea women's civic football striker Kim Yun-mi said she is blessed that her aggregation can "give joy" to their baton afterwards acceptable a bounded clash actuality on Friday.

Kim, 24, was called the MVP of the East Asian Football Federation E-1 Football Championship afterwards arch North Korea to their third afterwards title. North Korea exhausted Japan 2-0 to accomplishment the four-nation clash with a absolute almanac of three wins. They ahead blanked China 2-0 and belted South Korea 1-0.

"I'm blessed to accord joy to our absolute leader," Kim told reporters in the alloyed area afterwards the bays ceremony, paying account to North Korean baton Kim Jong-un.

Kim Yun-mi was aswell the top scorer of the clash afterwards scoring four of North Korea's 5 goals. She is the alone amateur at the clash to acquisition the net in all three matches.

Kim denticulate alert adjoin China on Dec. 8 and denticulate with a attack to exhausted South Korea on Monday. Adjoin Japan, she abashed the hosts with aanable left-footed bang to breach the scoreless deadlock in the 65th minute.

North Korea women's civic football aggregation striker Kim Yun-mi (C) after-effects to admirers with her teammates afterwards they won the East Asian Football Federation E-1 Football Championship at Soga Sports Park in Chiba, Japan, on Dec. 15, 2017. (Yonhap)North Korea women's civic football aggregation striker Kim Yun-mi (C) after-effects to admirers with her teammates afterwards they won the East Asian Football Federation E-1 Football Championship at Soga Sports Park in Chiba, Japan, on Dec. 15, 2017. (Yonhap)