#football . Missed a match

in #football6 years ago (edited)

Hi steemian Friends!

For a long time I have not a tc that so make me saturated with injuries that I experienced. Not only just a game to pass a training session with colleagues was heavy enough for me to do it because of a knee injury that I experienced, which makes me frustrated by the injury and some healing places I came but alhamdulillah! There is little progress towards my injury. I started doing a light training session and I was able to do it. for now I will strive for the recovery of my knee injury, because I believe there is no futile effort if we are truly. And these are some of my last macthphoto of my colleagues and my team that I have immortalized into a memory.




Good good, i like foot ball.

iya bg , terima kasih . sering bantu vote bg , semoga kita saling membantu ya bg @najmifajar