It is a good thing you found a candle with a long stem match to light it with. Most of the bathroom was visible due to light reflecting off the mirror once it was lit. It was quite a dusty old fashion looking bathroom.

While it was not as over the top as some other rooms in the house have been. There was a claw foot bathtub in there. It is a good thing it did not come to life and attack you on the spot. The thought of that happening for the remaining of your stay in the house every time you came across a figure of animal would be a persistent thing in the back of your mind.

There was thankfully a running and working toilet up there. It had been hours since you relieved yourself. No one would blame you at this point if you needed a clean pair of underwear. This part of the story won’t be telling you if you did or did not. This was just a great time to have access to some running water.

Once you were done with that you started to explore opening the few different cabinets and draws in the bathroom. There were a couple of spare towels, toilet paper rolls, and a really old tube of paste. Beyond that, it was mostly empty.

After some time you felt you had caught your breath enough that it was time to face reality and open the door. Besides, you have yet to hear anything from the outside of the door since you had been up there.