Continue 3

While this house is not the cabin you rented it will have to do. You just hope since it is an older house that the floorboards do not creek with every step and the wind is now howling through cracks in the bricks’ mortar. That could make for a very eerie stay.

You would have expected the grass around the front of the house to be overgrown. Yet, it looked like it had only been mowed two weeks again. Any plants of which there were very few seemed to be thriving as well like they have been well kept.

You find yourself now walking on a sidewalk up to the front door of the house. The sidewalk you would think should have been overgrown by nature by now. Not only did it have a perfect grass edge around it. The color of the sidewalk was almost the same as one that had been pressure washed recently.

It is still quite strange there is no wildlife nearby. No owls or other birds in the trees. No bugs attacking you. Just an unsettling clam. One you are not used to dealing with back home.

You arrive at the front of it. It was a lot bigger than it looked just a few steps ago. It was almost twice the height as you were. Which left you puzzled as the house did not seem that large to accompany a wide entryway like this.

On the old oak door was a knocker made out of brass. Around the ring that swiveled the knocker the actual part that touched the door looked like a box. You lifted the knocker and brought it down hitting the door.




After waiting some time it was clear no one was coming to open the door. Do you sleep at the entryway for the night on a step, or keep knocking, or go inside?