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RE: Jews, Third Time, or Constitution?

in #fortculturelast year

HIVE is the real free speech zone. My concern is that there is a history of people masquerading as someone from another platform to copy-paste plagiarized content. I wanted to make sure I wasn't voting for such content.


I've known Dan for years and I brought him over to Hive and can 100% vouch.

He'll post some links to Hive on LinkedIn soon as well.

Good to see. Yes, I'm authentic, certainly not an NPC (Gen Xer in the UK). Known BoL well for many years who looks like he knows what he's doing over here. He intro-d me to your world, looking forwards to learning more. My day job is cracking the mystical code re human nature/behaviour, why we think, feel, behave the way we do, detecting/tracking inherent cycles of civilisations, why they rise, why they fall etc., thus all the great scholars, scribes, sages, historians, researchers, analysts et al throughout the ages, that have attempted to make sense of such phenomena (a bit like a sociological seismograph, forecaster). Hive looks like a cool 21c network in response to decline of civilisation, so hoping you'll find my unfiltered brain of value to the network. I'm also in early stages of writing a book (perhaps series) on the subject, Supercivilisation: Antidote to Dark Age. Hive looks to be an emerging 'fortress citadel' as we barrel straight into one. Dan

Well, you'll find no shortage of discussion and dissent here. We learned a lot from the Steemit debacle. There is no ninja-mined stake to exploit and lots of front ends to prevent one from silencing anyone entirely. There should be little danger now of some whale squelching unapproved topics.