Use Open Source Social Media for an Open Web

in #foss7 months ago

I've been worried about privacy since Facebook bought WhatsApp for $19 billion.

Now they can share user data with advertisers for personalised ads. If you're fed up with big tech companies, consider alternative social media platforms that use decentralised approaches and can be self-hosted.

These platforms use P2P or blockchain technologies and offer a more personalised experience.

  • Minds - Facebook Replacement
  • - A litle bit of everything
  • Aether - Ditch Reddit
  • Mastodon - Decentralized Twitter
  • Pixelfed - Open Protocol Instagram
  • Peertube - P2P Youtube
  • LBRY - Blockchain-based Youtube
  • Signal - Actually End-to-end encrypted Whatsapp alternative
  • Bluesky Social - Derailing Twitter