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RE: Drawing with Pen - Enu (feat. Nathalie Bagadey, CITARA T2) [FR/EN]

in #fr6 years ago

It is a picturesque medieval town that you have there. Very well prepared and planned. I must say, too, that I appreciate the fact that you translated the publication for those of us who do not speak in your native language. Great job, Upvote!


Thank you very much for your comment.

And yes, I am well aware that there are more Anglophones than Francophones. As art is universal, I find it a shame to close the door to all Anglophones in Steemit.

On the other hand, when I publish my report with literature and in particular on exclusively French-speaking authors or works, I do not translate... I assume that if the reader cannot follow the post, he is probably not interested by its content ^^ !

Oh, French, a great language, one of the most studied languages in the world, is a language with a very important historical and literary tradition and important for Western culture.