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RE: Drawing with Pen - Enu (feat. Nathalie Bagadey, CITARA T2) [FR/EN]

in #fr6 years ago

Wow. this is crazy. It immediately reminded me of Konoha from Naruto haha :D Do you know what I mean or not at all. It's cuz of those mountains in the back I guess.

Hmm..I've seen already some pics which quiteoften do the sketch with the pink/red color. You sad you can erase it then in the photoshop. But I mean..You can erase also other color right? So why you guys always go with this particular red? Are they cheap in the artist shops hahaha? :D

Anyway, absolutely glorious work this is :)


Thank you ^^

I've never red Naruto, sorry...

And why red ? I had a blue too, but and I can't remember where I put it. Anyway, its color was darker than the red one and I had some grey shadows after aplying the filter, so maybe that's why artists use the red.
In Toshop you have trhee type of filters : Red, Blue or Green. You can't do it with an other color.