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in #free4 years ago (edited)

open your view, dude! :)

money is not the problem. the missing free markets for money is more of a problem!
normally everyone can create money.. but we are forced to pay taxes (at all and) in the money, which is being used to slave us by selling government bonds to these private individuals who screw us who you mentioned.

this only works cuz we are so dumb and divide us by fighing about words and cuz they philosophically mindfuck us..

capitalism =/= crapitalism
we now have crapitalism, which is neo-liberalism (not libertarian/ anarcho..) a.k.a. corporatism (they own the land, the banks, the govs, even the people - we still have slavery), which is like socialism, which is a children of communism, like rome established..

the idea behind capitalism was free market economy.
I now don't use capitalism anymore, cuz everyone is mindfucked and thinks capitalism==crapitalism
I speak about free market economy with natural (market)mechanisms

It's the same like we got mindfucked about fascism and communism, as if they were enemies.. lol. they are completely the same :D friends in slaving the planet
two sides of the same coin
highly centralized coin ;)

monarchies weren't that bad, as you say. another mindfuck.
it was way more decentralized to these days. everyone had someone (above em) to speak to..
if you had a problem, you went to your king or prince..
they hated germany for all these decentralized and armed, highly active market orientated cooperating little nations..


money is not the problem.

What do you figure got us into this mess if it was not money?
How you gonna pay thugs to rough up the neighbors when EVERYTHING is given to you freely on the premise that you ain't a bum?

which is a children of communism,

Historically, and etymologically, inaccurate.
I have the links, but I have my doubts that you would deign to read them.

Yes, feudal Germany may have been quite comfortable, for enough people, it keeps the slaves in the mines and off the walls.

What happened to their dissenters?

how about stop whining and start building your own wealth? who stops you?

your problem if you accept shit money for your stuff..

people need to wake up - not blame money in general lol - is gold also your problem?
you don't like bitcoin?

start working for yourself - start thinking for yourself - stop running after people or any kinda collectivism
