Russian Collusion a Hoax?

in #freedom6 years ago

(This was filmed before Adam was arrested.)

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Great video, I really like Adam's message, happy to support you with my upvote!

The zoinist are awful. Its disgusting that they use the Jewish religion as a cover for terrorism. Thanks for putting it so gracefully

Good analysis. They do use it as a cover.

I have been trying to sort this out and finally! I get it though I still need to tackle a few subject to be able to regurgitate it properly.

self education is the best always do your own research

Excelente post amigo, mucha suerte y éxitos para su blog, saludos.!

Hi friend I have gone through your link, OMG what a powerful book you have composed, I am completely agree with you friend,individual freedom is the greatest thing in our lives, government are the globel tumor, yes we should have our self esteem and power of self development. Thanks for sharing such a valuable lesson, yes I am completely agree with you, good luck friend for your freedom and the freedom of the people.

Omg, I love Freedom too! It's a breathe of fresh air for the mind, body, and soul. <3

Excelente post amigo, mucha suerte y éxitos para su blog, saludos.!

Finally some sense on this subject!

Nice post beautiful presented and explained. thank you for shareing @adamkokesh

wow adam, i'm impressed to see how enthusiastically you've embraced the third rail of politics. you are a brave man.

Yeah, let's all follow suite. ;)

I know astrology do not mean nothing to some people but my main astrologer I work with and also helps me with business or business decisions said, that his chart had deception in it even right before he won the presidential seat. There was deception for about a year before his presidency and he has deception going on his chart right at this moment also.

Wow, great perspective on this!

I am a BIBLE believing CHRISTian. I am not a Zionist.

plz tell me how that use

Always nice to view content that has relevant information and energy when being delivered. Much respect enjoy the craft looking forward to more shows.

I've heard this incident before and it's true that Israeli forces was the one responsible with the attack on the American ship. they intended to finish it of so no survivor witnesses may live to report on the incident. by the way,any updates on @adamkokesh case in Texas?

AIPAC needs to be registered as a foreign agent, since that's what it is. Zionist-controlled Israel, and the corrupting Israeli lobby in the US, are very much at the heart of most of the world's major problems. With the same psychopaths controlling our money via the Federal Reserve, and commanding the most powerful, and technologically advanced, military on the planet, the results are what you see going on today.

The US is maintaining a military base in Syria because Israel insists on having Assad taken out, and Syria to become the next Libya/Iraq. Then, they'll move on to Iran. This has been planned for many years.

This isn't very difficult to figure out, unless you get your "news" from the mainstream media. Americans are the most gullible people on the planet.

'Anti-Semitism' is a phrase coined as a defense mechanism that was invented to be used to counter anyone that dares to speak the truth about Zionist Israel.

Israel is a state founded on lies and terrorism.

upvoted...returned the favor i return the favor

hey guys!!

The ZIONIST JEWS of ISRAEL mistreat the ORTHODOX & TORAH JEWS because they can’t join the military or police due to religious beliefs . In the last days it is said that there would be FAKE Jews . Or Jews who are not real Jews .