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RE: How Are You Celebrating/Exercising Your Independence on The 4th of July?

in #freedom4 years ago

What is this "4th of July" thing you are talking about?
And what does it have to do with "independence"?

Mostly i try to ignore it.
Seeing the fireworks, without a car is pretty much impossible.
Ride your bicycle in the dark? With tons of cars driving around?

And this year, there will be lots of bears roaming around looking to pester people about wearing face coverings and not getting to close to anyone... people on bicycles will probably stand out even more.

It will probably be put into the category of things i no longer do
such as fly commercial airlines.


The 4th of July is the peak of the Rainbow Gathering - when we all stay in silence from sunrise until noon (in whatever a prayer for world peace looks like for you), breaking that silence with a huge Ohm together at noon. After that it all explodes into dancing, music, merriment, and food.

Other than that, I think it's a liquor & dollar-store-trash sales holiday, like most of the rest :-P

For much of my young life I liked the 4th of July (mostly for the cover it gave our homemade explosives), then MANY years of just being annoyed with the drunkenness & statist BS. Once I discovered Rainbow, that day literally became one of the high points of my year :-)

Good to see ya; hope you are well!