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RE: Your Children Belong to The State And if You Step out of Line, The State Will Take Back it's Property.

in #freedom7 years ago

It is really sad when governments take tactics they use in war to take an innocent child from the only family she/he knows. Do they not know that this will leave such a horrible memory on the poor child and also on the family? Do they realize that they are causing more harm than good? I don't understand why they don't try to work with the families and help them with resources to facilitate home schooling.

I can understand your wife's pain thinking that one of her children could be taken away. It just breaks my heart what you and your family have been through. I know you must have lost much but in the greater perspective you have gained freedom and happiness for your whole family. Your gains will be so much more valuable because you will all be together.

Wishing you much positive energy to sustain you all during this recovery time. Keep laughing and smiling together and make memories of joyful family times! With your perseverance, drive, determination, and know-how, you and your family will find that freedom and happiness you so rightly deserve. Please take care and be free. Good luck! ...... Cabbagepatch :D P.S. I will resteem to help spread your story.