
Found you on Odysee, but figured I'd try peakd out as well after binge watching your videos. Keep up the great content, you are very inspiring.

Musk said that initially. Wanted to provide cable and internet across the globe anywhere in the world. I guess there had to be an excuse for what he's really up to on behalf of the world governments and that is to be able to do what experts say is the impossible. That being to be able to track any post within five minutes of being made from anywhere in the world. The rest would be stopped by antitrust regulators, no one person can't have a monopoly that corners the market. To do what you describe, he'd need thousands of satellites up in the sky and experts have also explained that it's beyond the realm of possibilities to believe he could send that many up in the sky and be able to maneuver them or keep them all out of harms way of space debris....not to mention the effect it would have on the atmosphere.