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RE: Your Children Belong to The State And if You Step out of Line, The State Will Take Back it's Property.

in #freedom7 years ago

Maybe one day someone will explain me how non existing beings like states, countries and government can have jurisdiction over life of living being? I just don't get it...because it is total bullshit! Mind control to convince us we must obey their commands.


Yes @cmoljoe it's very sad that these governments which are owned by these giant multinational companies are able to control people with propaganda and fear, the people don't realize that these so called laws are just statutes which are only valid if we consent to them. Yes you are 100% right, it's all mind control and scare tactics to make people think we need the government to protect us when really they are the ones we need protection from.

But one day they will fall, I know this because our children are not stupid and are very wise to their tricks.

Thank for sharing your thoughts with us :)

Of course one day it will fall. Everything that is a lie is falling every day more and more. Beginnings of change are always the hardest, it is hard to see all these brainwashed people, but we must stay in truth and bit by bit everything gonna change. Because it is bit by bit, you can't notice it day to day, but when you look at longer periods you can see the change. It's slow, but that is the way it is. We must leave our frustration behind and just stay in truth, that is the only way.

Good luck with everything, I will keep resteeming your posts. You never know who can see it and give you useful information.

Cheers, mate!

[-]cmoljoe, the only reason they have this power is because we gave it to them, or in other words, we believe in manmade-imaginary-laws. There only exist one law and that's "Natural Law". The fake spells on papers, people in fancy clothes called "uniforms" and imaginary lines called "bordors", don't really apply to us and it's about time we as the human race put our differences a side, stand together and tear this system down.

Everything is perception. If you think or imagine something exist, that will exist for you as it is real. In the bottom of this is our slavement to mind because only mind can imagine something is real that is not.

I totally agree. My goal is to pass a better world for my kids and any other kid. Otherwise what right do I have to call myself a father then?

Saw you intro post and that you are anarchist. Welcome to Steemit! Followed you. Think we have a lot in common. Here is one of my articles about anarchy...

Good article about Anarchy and simple to understand, thanks :-)

"Natural law" = knowing the true mening about right and wrong, its that simple :-)