Every Worker Is Essential. YOU are Essential.

in #freedom5 years ago (edited)

Hello. Hi. Greetings to Hive. You are all essential.
(Sink the image above into your mind.)

My own soul views you all as essential. But does your government?
The most social, loving, caring act you can do is to exercise your FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS during this time in history.
Many of the middle class are being pushed into poverty due to the shutdown.
Don't fall for the propaganda.
Love you neighbor.
Treat the current times like flu season.
Don't shutdown the economy.
Fuck Big Box


It's not just the workers. The small business owners and independent contractors are also essential to our communities.

The only group that is not essential is the class of self-righteous bureaucrats who climbed into their ivory towers to declare half the people in this nation non-essential.

I agree with you. I really hope those with their eyes shut are finally waking up to realize the hypocrisy of our elected officials. There is a larger agenda here and it has to do with control.

This video says it well:

Thanks for the video.