Police Mace Presidential Candidate at Straight Pride

in #freedom5 years ago (edited)


A sparsely attended Straight Pride event was held in Boston this past Saturday. The crowd of one or two hundred MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters gathered to watch the Alt-Right deliver its answer to the Gay Pride Parades that happen all over the country. There were several speakers and even terrible musical performances.

Across the barricades were at least five times as many people at the counter protest. Most of the attendees were just ordinary Boston residents who came to the event to show their opposition to the parade. Among them were the black and red masked violent left wing agitators known as Antifa.

Between the two sides was an army of Boston Police officers. They came out in force and may have outnumbered the Alt-Right. As they arrived in military formation, they certainly displayed for both sides who was in charge. The sight was straight out of any dystopian novel like 1984. In this country we like to think of our police as peacekeepers. These men and women were in black uniforms, bullet proof vests, and armed for violence.

Some people might assume that because the police from all over the country are being filmed overreacting and outright attacking peaceful people, that in Boston, they would be mindful of appearances. They were not. This was the government clenching its fist on the two “extremist groups.” The sad state of this country under the leadership of Donald Trump uses excessive force and seeks to squash anyone who expresses themselves outside of the approved narrative.

Leading Libertarian Candidate for President of the United States, Adam Kokesh, was invited to speak at the event. He accepted the invitation. He stepped onto the stage given to him by this event. To all in attendance, no matter which side of the police barricade they stood, he offered a message of peace, respect, and freedom. Calling out both sides of the “Culture War,” he offered ethics and coexistence. His challenge to the people was to put aside the hatred and manipulation of the government.

Quickly it became clear, not only to the Alt-Right audience but to the organizers, that Kokesh was not one of them. As part of his opening statement he said the event was, “Really a thought provoking and illuminating joke.” He went on to proclaim to them, “I would thank y’all for being here, but I’d rather thank all the people who were smart enough ... to stay home today! Thank you to everyone who has the common sense, dignity, and self-respect, to tune out this ridiculous culture war, this embarrassing spectacle of Trumpian proportions. For those of you taking this too seriously, don't worry my little snowflakes, we'll end this with something special - a little chicken soup for the culture warrior's soul.” This is when the crowd began to boo.

He continued, “For those of you watching at home, here on one side of the arena we have the tributes from the red districts representing red-flavored statism, and on the other side we have the tributes from the blue districts representing blue-flavored statism, with plenty of infiltrators on both sides! The gamemakers have promised to make today another titillating episode of the Culture Wars, and I have promised not to mention this whole thing is a distraction from how bad we’re all getting ripped off so people like Jeffrey Epstein can have their islands.”

Calling out both sides of this event, Kokesh told the Alt-Right and the onlooking Antifa that they were nothing more than tools in a government “divide and conquer,” strategy. He announced “If I was Trump, I'd bankroll everyone behind the Antifa masks. ‘Don't think of liberals as kind, compassionate people, just look at these masked thugs!’ Same for the ‘other’ side. ‘Don't think of conservatives as caring, considerate people, just look at these freaks with tiki torches!"

Kokesh said that the State does not care what they are fighting about as long as they “just keep fighting each other, and never fight the system! Whatever you do, please don't be tolerant. Please don't accept each other's differences. Most importantly - whatever you do - PLEASE don't remember that the people who run the world at the expense of everyone who doesn't - are the real enemies! I really wouldn’t care if the Democrats or Republicans are in charge, as long as it’s not the Libertarians!”

“This culture war is a racket like any other war. You're going to FIGHT? OVER CULTURE?! Because other people want to live differently? How un-American is that? Your real enemies are not the ones you face across the police barricades but the people who put those barriers up in the first place.” This was where the Alt-Right drew the line. They began trying to take the mic from Kokesh and would eventually shut it off and take it away.


Adam Kokesh was not done. He had a point to make and he had not gotten to it yet. Just before they cut the mic he managed to skip ahead to his punch line. He took his button up shirt off to reveal a T-shirt that read, “Free Hugs.” In the last minute, before those who said this event was for “free speech” cut his mic, he managed to get out the theme of his speech. He announced, “But I will say something about the fine people on ALL sides of this cunty culture war and why events like this are good for America. You got all the people who so desperately need hugs in one place!

  • If you think the straights really need a parade, maybe you need a hug!
  • If you’re really that triggered by a parade, maybe you need a hug!
  • If you feel threatened by the ‘gay agenda,’ maybe you need a hug!
  • If your response to an idea you don't like is to punch someone in the mullet, maybe you need a hug!
  • If you're afraid of Jews like me replacing you, maybe you need a hug!
  • If you’re angry … about anything … YOU NEED A HUG!”

hug life.jpg

After leaving the stage, Kokesh offered those hugs to everyone. He then attempted to cross the line and present the same speech on the other side. He had been invited by the counter protest and he accepted their invitation as well. While approaching the police line, Kokesh was pepper sprayed by the Boston Police. In one moment, the point that the “peace activist” was trying to make, was made for him. The Police came directly for Kokesh who was just attempting to leave and physically assaulted him by spraying him with mace directly in the eyes.


Antifa certainly were not friendly to Kokesh either. They were just like their Alt-Right brothers in Statism. There was too much hate in them to embrace a message of love. That being said, neither of the “extremists” were nearly as violent and aggressive as the police sent to agitate for violence on behalf of the city of Boston and the Government in general.


What was on display Saturday is the lengths that those in power will go to separate us into fearful, hateful little groups so they can more easily bully us. Kokesh stood up to that hatred and gave love to anyone who would take it. To their credit many people on both sides of the police thugs accepted his hugs. From that seed of hope springs belief that when Adam Kokesh does become the Libertarian Party nominee for President of the United States, he will bring his compassion and courage to the American people and they will join his cause and say together “We don’t have to be united under one government, to be united in American values.”

To see what Adam Kokesh is all about, please check out his website https://TheFreedomLine.com/

or the campaign site https://KokeshForPresident.com/.

Here is a video Clip of the Speech-

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