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RE: The Daily Meme #479!

in #freepeople2 years ago

Its been used against me by some triggered shitlibs with the approval of hivewatchers for the political retaliation against me. I just started posting some memes and stuff on this account, posted less than 10 in a month, someone reported 4 of mine and got me blacklisted. From what ive seen with other Somee and hive users, it often takes alot more to get blacklisted. all my memes were pro-gun or anarcho capitalist in some way shape or form.

Right after i got blacklisted, this anti-gun bluemaga npc with Trump Derangement Syndrome replied to one of my memes in pushback, despite not following me. Either he was the person who reported em, or is in hivewatchers(and just happens to be a shitlib who was giddy for the opportunity to demonetize me and turn a blind eye to the retaliation)


I follow the flagging pretty close in the hive, you will have to link me.
If you are posting the work of others and not declining/burning rewards, getting flagged is standard.
Original content every time is the standard for rewards.