Free Speech - A Double-Edged Sword Iniciative @theycallmedan

in #freespeech4 years ago (edited)

I'm here again sharing and participating in the interesting initiatives promoted by my friend @theycallmedan, this time with a deeply conflicting theme, and that is that freedom of expression has many conatos within society.

The initiative is framed in answering two excellent questions that I will answer in the most frank and sincere way, as @theycallmedan says without fear of anything or anyone.

The first question is:

What does Free Speech mean to you?

For me, freedom of speech is the right of each person to show his way of thinking and living. Today we see how countries live among the discord of counter attacking each other by a simple disparity of ideas, mostly political and in our tastes of show business. It seems to be a lie, but there are people who have gone so far as to kill each other or insult each other, as if they were forced to think the same way.

I remember an experience of my own, in my high school days, I was excluded from a study group because I simply liked regional music, that is, the Zulian bagpipe, but my other classmates liked rock music (Green Day, Metallica, and other groups), One of my colleagues didn't like that music either, however he pretended to like it so they wouldn't take him out, they never spoke to me again, always telling me that I was a softie, they will continue to call me what they call me but for me, first our folklore and then the others.

I didn't care, I kept going. Today there are people who even insult me for saying that I am a revolutionary, I don't know why, but my way of being goes beyond what capitalist and socialist systems are, and that is that any system, no matter how nice it is called, will be useless if it is not managed by honest and efficient people, wherever they come from, unfortunately in our political world, good candidates do not come to the fore.
The second question that @theycallmedan asks is this:

Do you believe Free Speech is worth saving? If yes, why do you believe it is important?

It is undoubtedly worth defending, we cannot leave our way of thinking and living in the hands of others, our tastes are decided by each of us, our ideas must be respected, even if they are not the same as those of others, imagine the world if there were no freedom of expression, it would be a monotonous world, one colour, one way. Life and the world deserve an integrated diversity in order to maintain the social balance that is so longed for. Our entire environment is directly related to respect for freedom of expression. Anyone who tries to cut off freedom of expression is destined to trigger the strongest reaction from a society that is eager to defend its ideas and points of view.

But beware of this, because many believe that applying rules of coexistence is a way to cut the freedom of expression, which is not, simply that it is a duty to maintain order within a specific environment, whether residence, city, country or any area where they can gather a group of people with different ways of being. At least, I couldn't sleep in a residence if my neighbor was listening to rock music at high volume, so, somehow I will find a way to keep the volume acceptable to both of us.

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This has been all for the moment.



Con el apoyo de la familia.