Random Thought + Giveaway

in #freesteem6 years ago

Random Thought -- I asked my wife for today's random thought, so here it is "I don't know!" ...

I am going to start doing giveaways.

To enter leave a brief comment with why you should get picked or what your plans for the money are and I will select up to 2 posts for a 100% up vote. (usually the same day)

My vote is currently worth .2 (ish)

I plan on raising my vote value over time.

Best Regards,


That's pretty random. LOL. I guess I'll put it towards powering up. Steem investment!! :)

Just being honest, I'll probably put it in my lambo fund.

Congratulations you win. ..... Whoot Lambo fund I can't wait until I start mine :)

Typical woman's answer! 😀 And yea, I need to increase steem power to promote my posts. Good luck

Congratulations you win.

Because I still have no idea what I'm doing. :D

Because i like free stuff :^) and i still need posts to put my daily upvotes into

This post has received a 21.43 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @dreamryder007


You got a 6.20% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @dreamryder007!
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This post has received a 16.02 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @dreamryder007.

Reporting for bot abuse. I don't think your .02 rewards justify this payout.

I am raising my vote value, its .2 not .02, thanks for caring.

im new enough here i started doing very small giveaways, to try help some people out would love to be chosen to win so i can continue to do this :)

At the end of the day it's your money but it's a good idea to promote good and engaging content. A healthy approach for a steemit ecosystem.

I would like to have the money, because I am saving to leave my country ... The economic situation here is not easy, and unfortunately its getting harder and harder ...
Greetings from Venezuela.
And good luck to everyone!

I am an English student in a Nigerian university,i am to graduate this year and required to conduct a research project. The cost of executing this project is high and i haven't started mine because my parents have found it hard to see me through school and are still struggling. Most of my classmates have started in January and made some progress,i wish to be like them

Today I open your post randomly, maybe you pick up my comment randomly, that's why I here to join the giveaway, lol

Cuddle with it