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RE: Finish the story, earn 2 steembasicincome shares! DAY #6

in #freewrite6 years ago

The utterance of that name , of her name, had sliced away any doubts the red warrior held. Mastro Zekhie, with his utterance, had confirmed that he was the unnamed man. The only person who her teacher, her mother, had ever gifted with her true name.

She had been told of him through the years, through the training. The nights on the log, learning balance to the quiet descriptions of his grace. The races through the twisted brambles in the woods, running from the boars the same way he had taught her mother. Dinners taken by the fire, broiled saury, his favorite, because that was the only thing he could ever catch. And the most difficult, learning to cry in silence. The last lesson he had given when he walked away, leaving his so called "beloved" behind, alone and bleeding in a den of snakes.

As the red warrior looked on at the smoldering remains of her opponent, her father, a breaking sorrow filled her. Not for the man, but for the answers that her mother would never have.


So he was her father!! But a bastard one it seems.. uhm very intense family story. But most of all I would like to taste some broiled saury!!Thank you Bris for being here and for your support of these days ☺️

Whoops! Seems I used utterance twice! Tsk tsk tsk, I'll have to pay better attention next time. I've never had saury, I wonder how it tastes? You're welcome F3nix, and the same to you. :)

We have a place here in Italy called Sauris and they produce a very nice ham.. shall we ask them? Oh..yes that utterance.. i think I'll never forgive you for that! 😜