
I wrote more of them than I ever read, apparently - never saw any Enid Blyton in my entire childhood. Batman on TV was as close as I got to a comic book. But I loved the superheroes all the same. And from a tender age, I illustrated the dorky little romances I wrote. I should be thanking the mean sister who destroyed more than half a dozen of these "graphic novels" - badly written, badly illustrated romances by a first grader. :) Thanks for reading and commenting,!

Enid Blyton wrote children books. Famous Five were mystery books. They got me into reading

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Never saw these in a library in my childhood--nor a Dr. Seuss book--but these look like stories I'd have loved.

Seriously: not until I got to college did I ever see a Dr. Seuss book! And it's not because they came after my time. Several existed before I was born. #Deprived! How did I grow up in America without The Cat in the Hat?

Ha ha! My mother didn't like them, so although I came into contact with Seuss they weren't a part of my childhood either!

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My mom too!!

Mom hates fairy tales, Wizard of Oz, musicals, and jazz--and has no qualms about saying so in front or our son, a jazz bassist by trade. She has no patience for Dr. Seuss. She read us Bible stories. Beyond that, we were on our own. I devoured my dad's Army-issue Red Cross manual and aspired to have a career in medicine. I aced the test to get into nursing school, LPN, but he pulled me aside and said I'm a malpractice suit just waiting to happen, so I took his advice - no medical career - but rejected his advice to get a blue collar job, and instead returned to - gasp - COLLEGE - which both Dad and Mom considered a colossal waste of time and money. Kinda fits with their aversion to Sr. Seuss, doesn't it?