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RE: Day 354: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: not smart

I love that you display the @japhofin8or trophy. I miss him, he hasn't steemed for a while. He was, hopefully still is a great contributor. Poetry, participation, commentary and contest host.

I have messaged him on steem chat in an attempt to lure him back or at least to check on him, I didn't hear. I wonder if we could do a shout out, or if anyone has other contacts?

I have had the best of intentions with a free write, it is hard to find an excuse for not taking five minutes. It is the time spent procrastinating that takes my energy.
It's 7am, I truly don't have 5 minutes right now. But I am resteeming and will pretend I am 100% committed to getting back to it...
Well, with my little one needing all my attention, that comment took 5 minutes. Does that count? Not smart.


It counts!!! LOL
I don't know how to contact him either. So many people have given up. It really is too bad... HOpe they all will come back some day. It feels like losing friends :)
And I thought it is a cool trophy :)

It is a cool trophy. I love it. He hosted one of my favourite writing contests for a short while. Ode contest. it was great.