Five-minute Freewrite! "Grocery list"

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

In today's free-write, I attempted to do things "a little differently;" to write more of a "story" as opposed to just sort of "stream-of-consiousing-it-out"--if that makes any sense :)

I'd had an intriguing conversation with a fellow Steemit free-writer regarding style, approach (or, in my case, lack there of) to writing, which "prompted" (haha) me to try this.

Anyways: here is my attempt to create something a bit more "focused," I guess the word might be. (Interestingly, I just realized I hadn't even included the whole prompt--grocery-list-- in my free-write! Eh, is what it is.

Stan walked into the small grocery store at the corner of Parker and Melvin to buy his last 6 pack of beer.

This was at least the 100th time he’d bought his last 6 pack of beer.

The man behind the register looked him up and down as Stanley Pounder slinked through the isles, trying to pass as unnoticed as a specter— which was not too far from how he was feeling.

The clerk said nothing as the six-pack of Natty Ice “tall boys” clunked down on the counter. “What’ll it be for ya today, Stannie?” The clerk then asked.

Stan knew exactly what the man was referring to. He also knew the last time he purchased something additional "from under the counter,” he’d had nightmares for a week.

<<<<P.s. I am amazed at how quickly five minutes expires--giving even more respect to steemians like @byn who can knock out an entire story in this time! Leaps beyond what I have been able to produce so far. But imma keep workin at it ;)

Thank you to @mariannewest for hosting the activity; you can find the post here:

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Heyy, thanks, newbieresteemday people/ bot/ thing-a-ma-jig

The curse of addiction. A person needs high discipline and help from a professional to overcome it. Nice write-up.

Thank you, sir. Nice of you to read and comment. And I agree, "addiction" can be a terrible thing; and, depending upon a person's severity, may definitely need proffessional help. I myself kicked drugs and alcohol once before purely with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous, which is entirely "free," but, has its own downsides as well. But that's the first thing I would suggest to anyone struggling: Go to a meeting. Then probably go to detox lol depending how "bad off" you are.

This is FANTASTIC. Seriously. You conveyed so much in so few words!

I love doing these freewrites, but I remember when I first started, I nearly had an anxiety attack worrying about trying to finish anything in five minutes. Up until that moment, I had SWORN that I was incapable of writing short stories (my 'short stories' up to that point were more like 3,000 words, if I cut it short!)

This is great and I look forward to seeing what else that brain of yours comes up with!

Lol, thanks... Yeah, i had LITRally hit the "k" stroke on "week"--the last word in the passage--when the timer starting buzzing lol. SO I guess that was that! Then i realized, I hadb;t even spoken of a "grocery list" anywhere in my writing--just a "grocer(y store)" lol. Whatever. Technically, I'm pretty sure a "prompt" is just precsciely that: a prompt to motivate you; inspire or "spark" something. And in that same vein, the "spark" is not the "fire..." (you like how I just justified fuckin up there lmao) . BUt yeah, these things are lots o fun! Keep em comin!

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