5-minute freewrite day 961 prompt: pumpkin

in #freewrite4 years ago

"Hey there, Pumpkin, whatcha doing?" The answer was obvious, of course. She was painting her fingernails bright orange. It seemed appropriate, since he was always calling her Pumpkin, anyway. He always asked those silly questions with the obvious answers. It annoyed her, and yet it was one of the odd little quirks he had that she somehow found endearing as well.
"I'm baking an apple pie," she responded. "What are you doing?" Well, that wasn't quite as obvious, since he was seated at his computer doing who-knows-what. Could be playing a game, could be researching why dogs lick their feet, could be reading the latest news about the latest war. One never knew, with him.
"I just read about the latest space discovery," he replied. "Did you know that Earth really has two moons? One hides behind the other all the time, so we never see it."
"Baloney!" she retorted. "Alan Shepherd would have seen it when he walked on the moon. Or on one of the moons, as the case may be."
"Not necessarily. What if he was on the wrong side?" he posed.
She thought about that. "Didnt they orbit all the way around the moon.?"
He thought about that. "I don't remember. That was a long time ago. Wait...this is one of those satire pages. Never mind."


HAHAHAHAHAHA! Love your characters. hahahahaha. She looks like the dumb one, but he is. Very good! lol.

It just sorta ended up that way. Glad you enjoyed it!

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Good freewrite. Nice flow to the story and surprise ending. I liked it.

Thank you! Freewrites are always such a surprise for me...I rarely know where I am going with one until I get there unexpectedly.

Very nice freewrite, I like that it is about people and a nickname :)
