Frustration #Freewrite

in #freewrite3 years ago

Everyone was busy in their daily work, children's were watching tv , suddenly the door opened and he came inside, took the remote and smashed it on the wall..

everyone got scared, he started to beat his younger son and was shouting loudly.. He was beating him continuously while saying that you are always ready to watch tv why don't you getup and read, why don't you do some work.

His wife came running from upstairs.. She stopped him and he started to shout at her too.. He was now blaming her about her upbringing ..

You have spoiled them completely now let me do my part.

He shouted angrily.

and then they both started to blame eachother while the children were looking at them horrified and with tears in their eyes.

After a while he got up and left the house..

He walked towards Mosque to offer his prayer. While praying he was thinking about what just happened, the faces of his children were roaming in his mind and all of a sudden he thought it was his mistake, he shouldn't have treated them like this..

A better way was to sit with them for studies or atleast could've asked them to turnoff tv and sit for study but at that time he was too much frustrated that he did all this..

He was now guilty of his deeds but it was too late as his anger made his children horrified.

These little actions can really effect the mental health of your children and they will get this effect for their whole life.

​Anger is our enemy.

Try to stay calm and control your anger because regretting it later is of no use..

The damage that your anger did to your family can never be repaired .

(also posted on Uptrennd by me)

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