May Growth

in #freewriters22 days ago

May Growth.png

I was watching the last couple of weeks hoping I would make it to 320 and look. On the last day I made it. My biggest earned amount in one month so far. I couldn't be happier. I am beyond ecstatic. I earned ten hp in the month of May.

April Growth.png

As far as my hbd I could not remember what I earned for the month of April and had to go back and check. The image I grabbed showed after I claimed the interest but I also earned !.66 for daily posting.

In May I earned just over 4 hbd between the interest and daily posting. I am loving the growth in my numbers. I even gained two more followers bringing me to a total of 250.

I have been selling off any tokens that I feel are not beneficial to me anymore and have not really been keeping track of too many but I did earn 265.0951 PIMP. The one other token I do strive to get. Mostly from attending pypt every week. Of course I also have half in an lp. Not sure exactly how much that gets me but every little bit helps.

My next step is to be more interactive by reading, upvoting and commenting daily while continuing to keep on top of scheduling two posts a day.

I have made it five months and have seven more to go. I know I can make it and look forward to seeing what I accomplish be the end of the year.

Thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.