What's Your Gauge?

in #freewriters27 days ago

IMG_20240526_124215.jpgphoto's taken by me

Personally I have always favored the h hook (the gold one in the image above) which is a five mm size. I remember as a child getting yarn gifts from a family member. I was gifted a dog made of a clothes hanger and yarn. I also was given a circular rug.

I am not sure if my sisters and I then started to chain crochet without hooks or if it was something we started before we received these items. Later as a teen I was taught by a left handed person (I am right handed) how to go further than the chain. The lady who taught me was amazed at how quickly I picked it up.

In my young adult years I still enjoyed the hobby but have learned much of what I know on how to do it through books then youtube when the internet came about. I would consider myself from from having mastered this craft but I don't think I am doing too terribly bad.

It has been quite a while since my last project and I recently picked up some yarn from the thrift store in my neighborhood so was feeling in the mood to make something.


Here I made the chain and was working on the first row. Sometime after I moved to Texas I discovered I could go around the chain instead of working in rows so that is what I did Wednesday after dinner. I am not entirely sure what stitch I am using, I think it is a half double crochet.

I think I stopped here when I noticed the stitch was too big and would possibly lose any item stored in it that was small enough to slip through. I undid all the way back to the chain and went with double single crochet for the first two rows. I realized I should have gone with at least four but did not want to go backwards again. I was being lazy but at the same time this was a bit of an experiment.

Here it is finally starting to look a bit more like a pouch or as I told my mother today when I called to get some information for this post, a pencil case. Sorry to have gotten my knee in the way.

And this is the finished item. Well as finished as it can be, being I do not have a button I can so onto this.


And this blue and purple on is one I started working on Thursday night but put aside until this morning. These are slightly bigger than the size I normally make them.

I have been intending on putting some of these up on my coffee shop. I suppose now that I have finished (for the time being) what I started earlier this month now is as good a time as any.

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