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RE: Friday Freewrite: Road Trip Edition

I just let Jesus take the wheel...

DC is weird. I've been there multiple times, and it's always different each time I go back.

When were you in DC? I know all about the children in suits, I greatly resented being forced to wear one. One of my visits there was in high school for a conference and we were required to wear business attire.

The timing of my visits to DC tend to wind up being a bit interesting. I was there when Clinton got impeached, toured the Pentagon less than two months before the plane hit it, had my children in suits episode a couple days after we invaded Iraq the second time. I'm curious to see what'll come out of this visit.


Yeah maybe you shoulda stayed home. "Reporters."

It's been quite awhile now, last time I was in DC would've been about 2014. Even the plane ride is a trip cuz they fly into Dulles, planes are smaller. So the number of passengers is smaller too but they're all wearing suits.

Ha, yep. Only time I flew into Dulles we were on a puddle jumper not much bigger than a paper airplane.