
in #friendship4 months ago

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Hello to all the members of this community, my name is Nayibe Méndez Sánchez, I am from Cuba and I am 28 years old.

Today I would like to talk about the meaning that friendship has had for me through all the experiences over the years.

Friendship should not be taken lightly, not just any person, no matter how kind he or she is, means that he or she becomes a friend. Sometimes people approach you with a purpose, such as benefiting from some advantage you have, these can be money, comforts, contacts that could help you achieve certain goals, etc.; therefore we should not confuse kindness with a friendship that begins.

I consider that any kind of bond that is beginning, in order not to have new disappointments, should go step by step, that is to say, trust more in actions than in words.

Friendship can be as intimate as you want or even more than a couple relationship, the important thing is to know who you are dealing with, if you share the same moral values, if that friendship really leads us to be better every day, if it supports us at all times or if there is reciprocity in the acts.

Telling our fears and the limitations that we believe we have to the wrong person thinking that he or she is our friend can turn against us and I am sure that no one would want to collide with that situation. In case it has already happened to you, "a safe man is worth two". We can be empathetic, sociable but for every lesson we must be more responsible and selective.

I have had an exclusive friendship for 10 years and the truth is that I feel very proud and calm about it, of course it is not the only friendship because I have cultivated new ones, but always with the first idea of what I look for in the people I share my time with.


I agree with you, we should choose our friends carefully, not everyone deserves to be called "a friend". I'm so glad you are my best friend, it's nice to have someone that special in your life who gets you like no one 🥰