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RE: Fruits and Veggies Monday | Sweet Summer Crispy Tarts! Its Rhubarb Love!

You have a fabulous farmers market and u-pick venue! I did try a peach from the market the other day, just knowing it wouldn't be good but I was pleasantly surprised!!! It made me so happy, I love good peaches! I wanted to make something with them but they didn't last long enough, lol I look forward to seeing your tarts!! Thank you sweet friend :)


Yay, glad you got some good ones! I was telling @fionasfavourites on discord that the BF ate about 10 fresh peaches while we were picking the other day! Definitely the best of the season. I've got a few things made so far, but still working through them. Perhaps today will be baking day. :)

Fresh peaches are just the best. I'm right there with you, @birdsinparadise: mine wouldn't have got as far as the kitchen either!! :D