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RE: Fruits and Veggies Monday - Tips and GIFs for Harvesting Edible Weeds From a Garden Rehab - 11 Edible Weeds and 1 That Can Kill You!

Poison ivy is one of the real hazards of foraging! And going in and out of your front door, from the sounds of it, lol. Here in Oregon, it's Poison Oak -- and a big problem, too. Some places are impenetrable, and when there's a wildfire, the smoke carries the oil. Firefighters face a lot of risks.

It's nice to hear your grandson is willing and able to help out like that. Invasives mean we have to be diligent, every year, forever. It's almost overwhelming to think about. But your woods are so valuable, from what you've shown about them. Have fun with your grandson -- after the garlic mustard pulling! : )