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RE: Fruits and Veggies Monday - Tips and GIFs for Harvesting Edible Weeds From a Garden Rehab - 11 Edible Weeds and 1 That Can Kill You!

That's so cool about your Nicaraguan experience, @permieemmy! It must be so interesting to see so many wild plants in the Bangkok markets, too. I can relate to your challenge of finding out the name of the plants. My dad learned a lot of local wild plants from his grandmother -- none of the names match the accepted botanical names, lol. Thank goodness for ethnobotanists that can help us figure out what all those local plants are, in places all over the world. I"ve learned to enjoy eating some interesting things, based on their reports. I'll have to check out the Butterfly Pea and see if folks are growing it in gardens in my region. Enjoy your Bangkok plants! :D