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This could be interesting.....

Get it memorized or else he'll keep asking if you've got it memorized.

Fat guy who has robotic fetish and hate blue quadrupeds

He can't deal with being the side nigga, so he kidnaps the girl, and gets beat by the main bf

Tall man with asthma tries to become the father he never was.

An innocent looking teacher students love but in reality, he sends innocent college students into his dark room and takes pictures of them before they get murdered

Primate with an overly large brain who makes up for physical incapabilities with large mechanical machinations to protect my fragile body from a sly raccoon, a dimwitted hippopotamus, and a crippled turtle.

He's a super badass soldier who went AWOL after figuring out that the government was experimenting with his mom. Now he goes around terrorizing the planet and for all of his talk of destroying it he literally lets the main protag win even though he's far stronger than him.

Big dude who has a fetish for turtles that is a pyro....he has a kid who has the same things except the kid has mpd and has a few brothers and sisters......they also wanna gangbang royalty

The world dies, is reborn, and three people in particular are forced to relive the tragedy every time, broken up into three pieces. 2 good, 1 evil. The evil one likes to kidnap girls.

A rich guy with a superiority complex that keeps talking about how he is going to kill you even though he is the one that lets you keep respawning after every death

Im bad and that's good I will never be good and that's not bad

A tree. A tree who wants to destroy the world. No, two worlds. No, wait, it's just one world that's not been together for a milennium. Also his sidekick is so much better than him. But time for your viscera to see the light of day. Now guess!

A very fast martial artist that is a man but isn't really a man. He speaks in a monotone voice and can duplicate himself at will.

Big head, never succeeds, name describes part of the brain, proves the works of Charles Darwin with his invention, affinity for transparent shiny items of an igneous variety

He is red and flies around taunting you and methodically tells you how your existence is meaningless or something and pew pew breathing fire

Sits in floating chair thing, always going on about some religious mumbo jumbo and gets fucked up by a metal green guy

A Psychic who looks like he's into bdsm

Japanese tentacle monster with a deep voice And a sublime grasp of the English language

My favorite video game villain is best known for his laugh and his head his head is set ablaze and he has a big red nose he drives a truck full of Delicious Treaties or maliciously brutal Weapons he drives around blowing up everyone in his path and often also gets blown up

I enter the room with ankle deep water take a few steps and see a shadowy figure awaiting me in the center of the room.

Giant ugly turtle obsessed with finding true love in someone who doesn't want him.

Spamming shoulder charges and hammer strikes and throws til I win.

Someone who looked like Heishiro Mitsurugi. He loves fireworks, a hell of a swordsman & sports a troll smile that Colgate wants him to endorse that smile.

Floaty floaty doctor bug man who catches spies and can read your mind.

A spiky turtle cat demon dude would've had sex with a blonde woman if this genocidal Mexican human Mickey Mouse didn't stepped on his hard shelled homies

all man with no face. Very slim and arms that have no limit to their reach with razors for fingers it appears. Everytime you turn around after running 395737265 miles he's right in your face...who am I?

I capture rare animals and force them to fight with the animals of others for my amusement and profit. Slowly become the best, force them to live in cramped balls.

He's got a dick

Old man with too much time on his hand wants to realize his dream plots to ruin the lives of three young people.

so for some reason this guy keeps his hair when he turns into a skeleton

This poor guy lacks the proper mechanism for breathing, AKA a nose, and has this messed up obsession over a little boy. He also decided to split his soul into 7 pieces as someone told him his penis would end up looking longer than it was....

A scientist scholar who runs an animal cage fighting business, giving teenagers animals for free to go off and attack & enslave wild animals, all so they will send him back said animals to be additional cage fighting slaves.

He's a flaming (literally) douchebag who thinks he's better than everyone else. He thinks he can never be bested by a mortal so he makes himself as huge as possible so you need some crazy magic and a really awesome blade to defeat him. He's later encased in ice in the floor of his tomb on a big ass mountain. Good luck.

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Get it memorized or else he'll keep asking if you've got it memorized.

Fat guy who has robotic fetish and hate blue quadrupeds

He can't deal with being the side nigga, so he kidnaps the girl, and gets beat by the main bf

Tall man with asthma tries to become the father he never was.

An innocent looking teacher students love but in reality, he sends innocent college students into his dark room and takes pictures of them before they get murdered

A severely deformed, well dressed, white man follows people through the dark woods desperately trying to help them find their way, but they continue to flee from him and have panic attacks when they see him. He's kind of a dick.

Primate with an overly large brain who makes up for physical incapabilities with large mechanical machinations to protect my fragile body from a sly raccoon, a dimwitted hippopotamus, and a crippled turtle.

He's a super badass soldier who went AWOL after figuring out that the government was experimenting with his mom. Now he goes around terrorizing the planet and for all of his talk of destroying it he literally lets the main protag win even though he's far stronger than him.

Big dude who has a fetish for turtles that is a pyro....he has a kid who has the same things except the kid has mpd and has a few brothers and sisters......they also wanna gangbang royalty

The world dies, is reborn, and three people in particular are forced to relive the tragedy every time, broken up into three pieces. 2 good, 1 evil. The evil one likes to kidnap girls.

He's a smartass douche who's loaded, and has a mentally unstable grudge against your profession and has an army of robots at his bidding to fuck your day up

A rich guy with a superiority complex that keeps talking about how he is going to kill you even though he is the one that lets you keep respawning after every death

Im bad and that's good I will never be good and that's not bad

A tree. A tree who wants to destroy the world. No, two worlds. No, wait, it's just one world that's not been together for a milennium. Also his sidekick is so much better than him. But time for your viscera to see the light of day. Now guess!

There are 2 pages