When You Cut Someone's Hair for the First Time....

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

You should be proud. haha

So it's my nephew's 1st birthday and my mother asked me to cut my his hair.

My mother believes that the intelligence of whoever cuts the baby's hair will be passed on to the baby. (I think my mother always over estimates my abilities)

Anyway, here's the result. It's my first time to cut someone's hair and I sure am relieved this baby can't talk.


What do you think of his hair?



Looks like she wa complaining alot when she was having the haircut, you guys look great!

funny because he looks like a girl, but we get that a lot so its okay. haha yes, he looks unhappy in this picture.

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I wish i had that smooth hair and i like your funny lines.

haha yeah his hair is really shiny.

You look so intelligent.
Baby Is blessed

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how much do u charge per haircut?? :P

I can do it for free but you have to promise not to hate me afterwards. :P

Nice post well cut.