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RE: Killing them with kindness. Sikh politician Jagmeet Singh deals with protester with love but don't try this at home!

in #funny7 years ago

Jagmeet had a very strong response to this. In a statement he released after, he explained why he didn't tell the woman he was a Sikh, not a Muslim. He felt that if he had done that, he would have been suggesting that if he were a Muslim the rant would have been justified, which obviously wasn't the case.

It reminded me of the John McCain town hall where a woman started to say something about Obama being a Muslim, and McCain cut her off and said (paraphrasing) "No, he's a good man". Obviously I don't think McCain meant anything negative by that response, he was just trying to defend Obama as a person. But its easy to misspeak and say things in a way that validates the bigot's stance, so it was nice to see Jagmeet handle it perfectly.