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RE: Look what you made me write. Look what you made me write.

in #funny7 years ago

So you know that I recently took my daughter to a convention for the show Supernatural...what I'm about to link you will be a lot funnier if you've ever seen the show, even just a couple episodes. But, it has to be done. As I am finally making all of my posts about the fantastic time I had with my daughter and the really great cast of that show, I have Supernatural on the brain. And there just so happens to be an episode that relates to your hilarious post. Dean Winchester is the atypical male badass. He drives a badass muscle car he calls Baby and listens to badass classic rock and accepts no substitutes. But in this episode a witch turned him into a thirteen year old boy...anyway this is the ending after he's changed back, Enjoy!! (I know you will, everyone now knows you will hee hee):


I was a huge fan of the show for about the first 7 seasons. If I had more time I'd jump back in. The early seasons were so much fun... then it got serious but I hear it is fun again.