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RE: Thanks Steemit for preserving these funny memories for me.

in #funny6 years ago

Steemit is without a doubt the best diary that I've ever had. Here's my 'funny' story / anecdote :

Two days ago, I was sitting outside my temporal bungalow at a camping in Portugal, staring at my laptop's screen. I was (re)reading an E-book called Super Accelerated Living and was submerged into a segment where its writer states that everything outside of you is just made up by you. You see and experience what you want to experience. It's not real.

Suddenly I heard a car horn honking close to me. I ignored it for twenty seconds or so ( the car honked repeatingly ). I kept ignoring it and focused on my reading. At a certain moment, I couldn't ignore it anymore and turned my head to the left. I saw my twin sister's boyfriend sitting behind the steering wheel of their camper, my sister sitting next to him, smiling. They are in Portugal too but I hadn't seen them in weeks and this was a surprise visit.

It all came at a moment when I tried to believe that everything we experience is constructed. Then again, I am also practicing the law of attraction more and more and, to be honest, I had been wanting to seem them for a while now, I just thought it wouldn't happen that soon.

Have a great day and greetings from a rainy Portugal,



That is fantastic! What a great surprise and now you can remember it forever!

True that! Funnily enough, something similar happened to me a couple of hours ago. I decided to write a post on it that you might want to give a look ;>)

Have a great (rest of the ) day,


That is fantastic! What a great surprise and now you can remember it forever!