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RE: DTube, Think About How CRAZY This World Is.

in #furious-pete6 years ago

And I can tell you that I know 3 Gods in human flesh, I tried to commit suicide with a claw shaped weapon once (through slitting aorta) in 2013 and almost tried to commit suicide ca. 12 days ago with a machete. There is much more to tell, but I can guarantee you that Gods are real and every word for trying to describe their power, would degrade them. But what would the whole universe be, if nobody would be astonished by it? Death is not to be feared, but the way of death, the face of death, death has many faces and death is a tool of Gods. I could keep on speaking about this for a long time. You met and ate with an acquaintance from me by the way, Mac Troy Lary is his name, we have never met in person though, even though we lived in the same city. But we had a call on facebook once with another guy about some "weed problem" :D You can ask him, if you still have contact with him.