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RE: A brief introduction...

in #furry β€’ 3 years ago

HI, Daphne πŸ™‚ Thank you this post. Your work is very cool and professional! πŸ‘ You've got your style, which perfectly goes together with your stories and heroes.
I'm a comicshead from Poland, focusing mainly on "serious" stuff - graphic novels and author's comics, but I dig some ambitious mainstream stuff, (think Umbrella Academy) I am drawing comics myself as a side hobby πŸ˜‡
I'm new to PeakD/Hive community and I've noticed, that comics-related content is definitely underrepresented in this cool place. So it's a bit of a "pioneereing" situation. You see how fast your post is garhering interest. That's it! Excellent visuals are allways appreciated. Plus - it's paying off!
I'm going to blog about the visual sphere, including my beloved comics. So I'm goin' to reblog your post, and will also reblog lately discovered comics-related posts. If you have time, maybe you will be interested in creating NFTs, which is another form of curating/supporting artists and delivering the money-worth collectibles. I invite you to follow me and I'm definitely going to observe your output here.
Wish you all the best, Daphne. You rock!

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Hello! Thank you so much! I'm really looking forward to being a part of and helping build the comics community here.

You're welcome ☺️ As we see, your post is doing fairly well 😊 That's a beginning! You've gathered also some comics fans and links in comments! I'm looking forward to see/read your next posts!